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conditions we treat

Pregnancy is physically demanding, with many changes happening in a women’s body during this time including posture/spinal shifts, pelvis girdle widens, ligaments soften, muscles stretch and tighten. In fact, there are orthopaedic changes from head to toe! These changes introduce unique challenges for the body. Our team has advanced training in treating pregnancy conditions, preparing your body for childbirth and optimizing perineal health through the process.



As the pregnancy progresses, we will help you prepare for labor, delivery, and the 4th Trimester (immediate postpartum). We are supportive of your goals for delivery and will help you prepare for a smooth experience by:

  • Optimizing pelvic floor muscle length and tension

  • Improving hip and low back strength and mobility

  • Preparing the perineal tissues to minimize tearing

  • Breathing strategies to promote optimal labor

  • Pushing assessment and training for effective pushing

  • Guidance and options for safe labor and birthing positions

  • Techniques to minimize diastasis during pregnancy and delivery

  • Enhancing and engaging abdominal wall and deep core muscles to assist with pregnancy pain, labor, delivery and postpartum changes

  • Strategies for the first 4 weeks postpartum to optimize healing


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